Duration 5:36

طبخ وصفة شوربة عدس سهلة ولذيذة وصحية A Lentil soup recipe that's Easy, Delicious and Healthy

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Published 15 Jan 2023

وصفة شوربة عدس سهلة ولذيذة وصحية! A Lentil soup recipe that's Easy, Delicious and Healthy! تتوفر ترجمات لجميع اللغات لهذا الفيديو. لا تتردد في تفعيله. إذا كنت قد استمتعت بهذا الفيديو ، فيرجى الاشتراك في القناة وتشغيل الإخطار 🔔 لمشاهدة أحدث مقاطع الفيديو الخاصة بنا. أخبرنا برأيك في هذه الوصفة في قسم التعليقات ، حتى باستخدام رمز تعبيري 😊. نحن نحب ملاحظاتك. مكونات اغسل وانقع كوبين من العدس في الماء لمدة 30 دقيقة في قدر نضيف البصل المفروم (250 جرام) مع القليل من زيت الزيتون ونقلبه حتى يتكرمل البصل ثم تضاف المكونات التالية: خمس فصوص ثوم (20 جرام). كرفس (120 جرام) حبتان من الجزر (150 جرام) و ٣ حبات من الطماطم (٣٠٠ جرام) يُصفّى العدس من الماء ويُضاف إلى القدر ملعقة كبيرة من الكمون والكزبرة والفلفل الحلو وملعقة صغيرة من كل من الفلفل الأسود ورقائق الفلفل الحار أوراق الغار ملعقة صغيرة من كل من مرقة الملح والخضروات عشرة أكواب من الماء الساخن اطبخ الحساء على نار متوسطة لمدة 40 دقيقة ثم أخرج أوراق الغار يُمزج الحساء قليلاً زينها بالكزبرة والبقدونس (10 جرام). أضف القليل من قشر الليمون و 2 ملعقة كبيرة من عصير الليمون (30 مل) وبالعافية Subtitles for all languages are available for this video. Feel free to activate it. If you enjoyed this video, please subscribe to the channel and turn on the 🔔 notification to watch our latest videos. Tell us what you think about this recipe in the comments section, even with an emoji 😊. We love your feedback. Ingredients Wash and soak two cups of lentils in water for 30 minutes In a pot add the chopped onion (250 grams) with a little bit of olive oil and cook it until the onion caramelizes Then add the following ingredients: Five cloves of garlic (20 grams) Celery (120 grams) Two carrots (150 grams) Three Tomatoes (300 grams) Strain the water from the lentils and add it to the pot One tbsp each of cumin, coriander, and paprika, and one tsp each of black pepper and chili flakes Bay leaves One tsp each of salt and vegetable bouillon Ten cups of hot water Cook the soup over medium heat for 40 minutes Then, take out the bay leaves Blend the soup slightly Garnish it with coriander and parsley (10 grams) Add a little orange zest and two tbsps of lemon juice (30 ml) #lentilsoup #delicious #tasty #yummy #healthysoups #شوربة_صحية #شوربة #شوربة_عدس


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Comments - 663
  • @
    @knelson3484last year This looks so good! I appreciate that you don' t have music over powering the natural sounds of cooking. Thank you for your videos. 116
  • @
    @MOGGS19428 months ago If only all you tube food videos were this good. 6
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    @demeter7011last year I' m from italian background and we make the lentil soup similar to this but as well as the carrots, onions and celery we put in zucchini, potatoes and broccoli. Lentil soup is such a beautiful and healthy dish. 116
  • @
    @benscheelings7401last year At last, a cook who shows you how to make a dish without wasting time on cutting each onion, each tomato, potato etc but gets on with it, not like some . ...Expand 171
  • @
    @marthasleep8943last year Thank you for a brilliant video, no distracting music, just the natural sounds, and straight to the important parts, without having to watch washing and chopping of veg. Thank you, much enjoyed. 4
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    @arthurgaboyan7774last year Very good. Thank you such a delicious soup and all the rest recipes. Long live yemen. Hello from armenia. 3
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    @johnnyrojasoficial.1985last year La preparar, en el per tambin la disfrutamos. Gloria a dios. 3
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    @fierywomanpacnw7004last year I love the way you' ve written out the recipe! Thanks for the grams) 11
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    @eileenthomas9983last year Thank you so much for your demonstration - i loved the fact that its so natural and i definitely am going to try it. I love brown lentils. Your demonstration is so calm and quiet - i appreciate that. 12
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    @rondag9765last year Made this soup for dinner tonight, delish! First time ever trying lentils. 44
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    @nsbd90now6 months ago Wow! I bet i' d like that a lot! It looks delicious! I can almost smell it! Lentils are always so good. 2
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    @MariusRileylast year : as usual, this channel is one of, if not thebest cooking channels there is. Merci. 5
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    @aline_rodrigueslast year Thank you. I love vegan recipes
    looks very yummy, i' m going to make it.
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    @azucenalezama149311 months ago En mxico. Le ponemos pltanos a las lentejas. Le da un sabor dulce. Muy lindo vdeo. Me gust. Dtb. 5
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    @antoniodelrey1648 months ago One of my favorite soups made a little different than what im used to but looks great and worth making. Nothing wrong with 2 lentil soup recipes! 5
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    @ButbyBhggyhggh-hn6tk2 months ago Se ve una receta espectacular y repleta de sabor. La hare en breve, seguro. Muchas gracias por compartirla. Saludos desde madrid (espaa)
  • @
    @amirelrize11172 months ago Thanks from the good recipe of lentil soupe and your vido.
  • @
    @meinaurmeriduniyalast year Yummy and delicious
    nice sharing.
  • @
    @alicemassulo8409last year Receita maravilhosa
    com certeza vou fazer.
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    @nancybenner2496last year The soup looks straight forward, simple and delicious. 9
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    @dianes94163 months ago Glad to see vegetables already cut up. You get to the point to making the delicious soup. God bless you and thank you for sharing fro. Maryland u s.
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    @mikelugo89832 months ago Love this doing it today on a rainy new york day blessings.
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    @junej50483 months ago Made it exactly as directed and it was delicious.
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    @dianachee39337 months ago This is an incredible combination of cumin, lentils, lemon zest and juice. Thank you, i' m delighted with the result!
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    @ayeshavlogs8141last year Stuck in a tough situation? Don' t see a solution? Here is an excellent reminder for all of us. Remember to turn to allah. Allah is the most merciful, and most forgiving and loves a servant who returns to him. 1
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    @evhanmyz8900last year Tarifiniz iin teekkr ederim bol anslar yi akamlar. 4
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    @user-ik9zu4mf3t2 months ago Greetings from serbia. Very nice recepy.
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    @debbie9955last year Thank you and will follow your instructions making this delicious soup! Question, where did you buy the soup bowls? They look very nice. 8
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    @yolandabecerra1667last year Que sopa tan rica y fcil de preparar
    gracias por la reseta.
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    @hemanambiar6454last year I made this today and it was really delicious with minor additions such as 1. 5 tablespoon of chilli flakes and juice of 2 lemons. Definitely is a repeat dish. Thank you, your video is well made. 7
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    @reneemillan97874 months ago Exactly what i was looking for. Thank you!
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    @Paulo37580last year Wow. For the cold days. That might be perfect.
    greetings from brazil.
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    @kathleenrice26203 months ago Delicious lentil soup! Weve made this soup several times in the last few weeks. It has such delicious flavors, and the lemon gives it such a wonderful t . ...Expand