Duration 4:38

Eating a balanced diet

Published 14 May 2021

We often get told to eat a balanced diet...but what does this really mean for us? Here are 8 general top tips to help you get started. Drink enough water. The goal is to drink between 1.5L to 2L of water everyday. Roughly 8 glasses of water a day. A client of mine found this difficult to start with and so used to carry a bottle of water with him everyday. When he drank he just used to count the “gulps” each time up to 12. Worked for him! Set SMART goals I've spoken before about SMART goals. They need to be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely. So for example if you’ve decided you want to change your diet and eat healthier - but don’t normally eat vegetables. Then start with a small goal of having at least 2 different vegetables per day. Something small, that can be achieved. Remember protein I am always talking about protein! This is so important to include in your diet, especially if you want to lose weight. Protein helps us to build and repair our body. If you don’t have enough sometimes you can feel run down, lethargic and weak. So foods such as meat, eggs, chicken, fish are great, along with vegetables such as broccoli, brussel sprouts & spinach. Eat plenty of healthy fats Again I keep talking about this - this is so important. And so don’t go buying the low fat / diet version of foods. Healthy fats support our brain function, keeps you fuller for longer and gives your body energy. So including foods such as nuts & seeds, fatty fish like salmon and avocados are great. Eat your carbohydrates from vegetables You can get your carbohydrates from vegetables. Not only grains like bread / pasta. If you are looking to lose weight try to get most of your carbohydrates from vegetables. The fibre in vegetables help to balance out your blood sugars (reduces cravings) and improves digestion Eat the rainbow You must have heard this. All this means is choosing a variety of colours from different fruits and vegetables. When I work with my clients I encourage them to aim for 7 vegetable portions per day and a max of 2 portions of fruits per day - especially if you are looking to lose weight. Limit sugar & processed foods (packet foods) Excess sugar and packet foods - biscuits, cakes, chips, fast food etc is known to damage our health and is linked to many illnesses. This takes time to reduce if you have a lot, but by doing the above tips will help because your cravings will reduce. You need balance in life This is SO important. If you are on a health journey it is tempting to be an “all or nothing” person. So if you have a birthday treat coming up , or a party etc….just go and enjoy yourself. If one day you fancy a nice cake…..just have it. You don’t have to eat the whole packet. But if you are thinking you need to deprive yourself and stop eating certain foods because you are on a “diet”...then this doesn’t help you long term. Remember this is a long term plan. It’s a healthy living lifestyle plan...and for that we need balance I hope this helps. If you have any questions or would like to know how to work with me on a 1:1 basis then please let me know You are able to book a free 15 minute health call to discuss your needs using this link https://p.bttr.to/34cIY9b


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